Smart City, Smart Growth

We commit to three things:

renewing City Hall and Council, supporting smart growth and development, and working with our fellow citizens to make White Rock an even better place for all.

Our platform is Smart City, Smart Growth. Smart City expresses our commitment to creating a cooperative, productive city hall that delivers cost-effectives services and programs to residents and businesses. In order to create a smart city, we commit to the following actions:

√Financial audit to assess adherence to sound financial management practices
√Performance review to optimize human resources management
√Operational review to improve services delivery and infrastructure maintenance and upgrades
√Asset and infrastructure review to optimize expenditures on maintenance and upgrades
√Process and procedure review to improve rezoning, permitting, and licensing
√Reduce reliance on property taxes by diversifying income streams
√Modernize city hall to increase transparency, accessibility, and accountability
√Increase citizen engagement, empowerment, and volunteering

Smart Growth is our pledge to create a vibrant, livable city that puts a premium on sustainable growth, more diverse, affordable housing, an enabling environment for business, and a thriving community. As property and business owners in White Rock, we have first-hand experience of the challenges with city services and interacting with city hall; in fact, it was these challenges that inspired us to run for council.

Community engagement is essential for inclusive government. We have a long track record of civic involvement that we will bring into council, along with creative ideas to improve council-staff-resident communications:

Modernizing city hall. We will use technology to improve connections between residents, organizations, and city staff to enable staff to work directly with residents, in real-time, on public challenges such as homelessness, pollution on Semiahmoo Bay or parking issues at the waterfront.

Removing barriers. Instead of expecting citizens to come to city hall, we will explore ways to take city hall to citizens. For instance, and expanding on the idea of modernizing city hall, we will review platforms that use mobile devices to send surveys and questionnaires directly to residents, with input then feeding directly into decisions about city plans and projects. We will also diversify our communications on city plans and projects with more video content and social media.

Boosting participation. Giving residents opportunities to express support for potential project can increase participation. For example, residents could be invited to submit ideas for the conversion of an empty lot on a residential street, with input then enabling city officials to determine whether the public most wants a community garden, a small dog off-leash park, or a fitness circuit. We also commit to creating a Volunteers Bank to enable residents to volunteer for activities in their areas of interest- waterfront clean-up, the removal of invasive plants, community gardening, migratory bird monitoring, etc. The program offers multiple benefits: community engagement, empowerment, ownership, and support for important community projects.

Inspiring ideas. City hall can increase interest and participation by supporting action. For instance, the city could invite residents to submit ideas to improve food security, then provide funding and technical assistance to citizens and organizations to create community gardens and pantries and expand food rescue programs that link local restaurants with community kitchens.

We are both long-time community activists and volunteers who have first knowledge of the importance and power of community engagement. We are passionate advocates of bringing people together through arts and culture, and by creating inviting spaces for residents to gather and spend time with friends and neighbors. In fact, we are currently part of the city’s working group on “place making” and are brainstorming ideas to reimagine and reinvent public spaces across White Rock to strengthen our connections to each other and our city. We commit to creating streets, buildings and public spaces that are interesting, comfortable, accessible, and inviting, and to supporting festivals, markets and special events that bring residents together and visitors to our community.

Crime prevention and policing in White Rock is currently guided by the RCMP’s 2020-2023 Strategic Plan. The plan was developed with consultation with residents, staff and local government, an analysis of the city and service calls, and a review of best practice in policing. The next consultative process will be launched in spring, and we look forward to partnering with the RCMP and residents to share information and provide input into crime and policing priorities and challenges. In the meantime, to prepare for the process and our future roles on Council, we are meeting with the RCMP to discuss existing and new crime and policing concerns in our community, the possible impact on White Rock of Surrey’s transition to a metro police force, and provincial and federal government funding, among other issues.

We commit to declaring a climate crisis emergency and to creating a program of actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Our strategy will include the following measures:

  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions for buildings, transport, and solid waste
  • increasing the use of clean transit by prioritizing good public transit, walkability, and bike lanes
  • developing a green building strategy and encouraging green infrastructure- green roofs and walls, more street trees, rain gardens and on-site renewable energy systems in new buildings
  • creating an urban forest management plan to help preserve and increase our existing stock of mature trees and expand our tree canopy
  • protecting Semiahmoo Bay
    working closely with all levels of government, non-profits, and other stakeholders to find solutions and access funding
  • maintaining pressure on the federal government to deliver on its promise to stop all thermal coal trains through White Rock no later than 2030

We applaud the work of community and faith-based groups, but the burden of care for people experiencing homelessness rests with government, with the support of other community-based stakeholders, not the other way around. We will address the need for a sustainable, more permanent solution for shelters and transitional housing with short-term measures to address immediate needs, and a medium to long term strategy to reduce the need for shelter and transitional housing by increasing the stock of affordable housing.

We will consult with faith-based organizations and other community groups to see whether any immediate, short terms measures can be taken, now, to support their current operations. For instance, we could provide support and relax zoning to enable them to continue or expand existing operations and/or add new programs.

We also commit to researching the city’s current inventory of buildings to assess the viability of temporarily re-purposing any in whole, or in part, and will review making city-owned land available for shelters and/or transitional housing.

We will review options to buy and/or lease suitable housing and/or repurpose buildings. In the medium term, based on a wealth of research that shows that a “housing first” strategy is effective at dramatically reducing homelessness, we commit to the acceleration of the construction of affordable housing. To do so, we’ll review targeted incentives for affordable rental housing developments, including accelerated permitting and approval, waivers for Development Cost charges and Community Amenity Contributions for developments that include at least 20% of secure market rental units, tax credits and exemptions.

Most importantly, because homelessness is a shared problem, we will work with other levels and government, in particular the city of Surrey, regarding shared space and services. We will also work with the provincial and federal governments to access funding for work on homelessness, such as the federal government’s National Housing Strategy Co-Investment Fund which provides low interest and/or forgivable loans and contributions for new affordable housing and the renovation and repair of existing affordable and community housing.

“A plan, to be of any value at all, demands action. Such action be taken only by the Council and the citizens of White Rock. If they wish their city to be properly planned for efficiency, convenience and beauty, and through these, for prosperity, theirs is the responsibility for carrying out the plan.” White Rock’s first OCP, 1958

It has been 65 years since the incorporation of the City of White Rock, and these words are as true today as they were in 1957.

We support action on the implementation of the current OCP, our made-in-White Rock blueprint for growth and development. This version of the plan was adopted in October 2017 after a two year process of research, analysis and broad-based consultation that included inputs from more than 1,500 residents, businesses, and other stakeholders. We have read the OPC, cover to cover, and believe that it offers a plan for growth and development in White Rock that respects the history of our city and the character of our neighborhoods while meeting important goals for housing, infrastructure, services delivery, the environment, transit, business development, arts and culture, sports and leisure, and community engagement. We have concluded that any issues with the OCP are the direct result of actions, or inaction, by previous Councils, rather than with the OCP itself. For example, the two towers approved on Oxford Street in 2015 required rezoning and an amendment to the OCP. Under the current council, despite the fact that the OCP highlights the urgent need for rental housing and includes detailed, neighborhood-specific development guidelines, plus incentives for developers such as the Affordable Housing Bonus (which will support the urgent need for affordable rental homes), the construction of rental housing has sunk to 4%, its lowest rate since 2015.

Like any plan, the OCP is only as good as its implementation. In terms of housing, for instance, implementing the OCP in a coherent, consistent, predictable way will enable White Rock to address the city’s need for more affordable rental housing, more non-market housing for seniors, and more housing options to enable residents to age in place, to attract teachers, healthcare workers and staff for the businesses and services that our community needs.

In addition to respecting the input of residents, implementing the OCP will enable progress towards numerous important goals. For example, taking action on plans for residential and commercial growth in the town-centre, the heart of our city, will provide revenue for investments such as upgrades to the Kent Street Activity Centre and Centennial Park, expanding community food gardens or making our town centre more seniors-friendly with better sidewalks, curbs, and seating. New mixed-use buildings in the town centre will include ground floor commercial space, most of which will serve local people, meaning that more residents will be able to meet their daily needs- groceries, health services, socializing- on foot. This, in turn, means fewer cars in the town centre, which will help reduce green-house gas emissions, congestion and the need for street parking, which itself creates opportunities to convert street parking to patios, parklets and small plazas to meet friends and neighbors. In addition, increased revenue from businesses in the town centre (and other designated commercial areas) will diversify the city’s income streams and reduce its reliance on property taxes, which currently account for around 90% of White Rock’s revenue, a rate higher than any other city in BC, except West Vancouver.

In sum, to be effective in enhancing the standard of living and quality of life of residents across our city, we advocate for the implementation of the OCP.

We commit to adopting the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to transform our relations with the Semiahmoo First Nation.

We commit to strengthening and expanding our business sector through direct measures such as streamlining business permitting and creating more commercial space through redevelopment, taking action against commercial land speculators, and prioritizing commercial space for small and medium sized businesses. Indirect measures, as per the OCP, include improving public transit, increasing density, and creating vibrant, more accessible public spaces that attract residents and visitors to shop, dine and gather.

The majority of White Rock’s population are senior citizens. We will support our seniors with targeted investments in areas such as affordable seniors’ rental housing and other options that will enable the elderly to age in place, for instance by permitting renovations to create suites for live-in, home-based care. We will expand programs at the Kent Street Activity Centre and Centennial Park, and explore new programs that support a healthy, active, engaged seniors’ community. We will also use Community Amenity Contributions to pay for amenities and infrastructure upgrades that makes our streets and plazas safer and more welcoming for seniors- more benches, lighting, shade trees and uninterrupted sidewalks.

Our goal is to do more with less and reduce the city’s reliance on property taxes. White Rock currently relies on property tax for about 90% of its budget, which is more than any other city in BC except West Vancouver. We commit to diversifying the city’s income primarily by strengthening our business community. Our plan includes various measures:

  • supporting the town centre as a growth and transit hub to attract businesses and people
  • streamlining planning and permitting for new businesses
  • prioritizing commercial space for small and medium sized businesses, particularly locals-serving businesses that enable residents to shop local
  • taking action against commercial land speculators
  • implementing the OCP to create more affordable housing for both staff and customers
  • using Community Development Charges and Amenity Contributions to make our commercial areas more attractive to shop, dine and linger

Supporting businesses will offset pressure on property taxes by diversifying revenue streams for the city. Likewise, a more vibrant business sector will enhance White Rock’s reputation as an all-day, all-season destination, which will be good for local businesses and city revenue. We also commit to optimizing the use of our existing staff, resources, facilities and using Community Amenity Contributions and Community Development Charges to help offset costs associated with service and infrastructure improvements.

The comprehensive implementation of the OCP will provide better outcomes in relation to traffic, roads, sidewalks, and curbs. To this end, we will commit to the following actions:

  • First, we commit to improving and expanding public transit. We will work with TransLink to improve local services, and enhance infrastructure around bus stops with lighting, shelters, and seating. Better transit means more widely used transit, which in turn means lower green house gas emissions, reduced congestion, better bike lanes, and the possible conversion of parking to parklets, patios and other community amenities.
  • Second, we will use the OCP to ensure that new construction, especially in our important commercial areas along North Bluff, Johnson Road, and Marine Drive, includes setback to enable wider sidewalks and other amenities.
  • Third, our plan to enhance White Rock’s “walkability” means that we will upgrade sidewalks and curbs for better accessibility, especially for people with mobility challenges.

The waterfront is the jewel of our city, and we commit to preserving its seaside village character while addressing perennial issues such as parking, traffic congestion and accessibility, especially for the elderly and people with mobility issues. Action in this one group of issues, alone, will serve various goals: improved parking, reduced congestion and enhanced accessibility will open space for more patios, benches, and other spaces to gather and linger.

As per OCP guidelines, a waterfront-specific increase in housing will provide an incentive for a greater variety of shops and services at the waterfront and a reduction in empty storefronts, as will taking action against commercial land speculators. We will partner with existing business owners, the Business Improvement Association, and residents to create strategies to revitalize the waterfront and attract businesses that serve both residents and tourists, and will market the area as an all-day, all-season destination.

At the same time, we will partner with these stakeholders and the police to find solutions for some of the anti-social behaviour reported at the waterfront- littering, beach fires and parties, speeding, parking violations, petty crime, etc. Pressure on the waterfront will be relieved by implementing OCP plans to make the town centre the hub of civic, social, and cultural life that will offer alternative activities, particularly to young people.

Michele and Elaine are award-winning business owners who have a history of building, marketing and running successful business ventures. They envision White Rock to be a vibrant community year-round, and with their thinking- outside-the-box skills and can-do attitudes, they work hard for this beautiful community.

Michele and Elaine have been working with the City of White Rock for the last three years, volunteering on advisory boards, sub-committees and hosting events. They are knowledgeable in many aspects of how the City operates.

Over our many years of involvement in White Rock as residents, business owners, and volunteers, we have had countless conversations with other local people about the issues that affect us. You can count on us to work hard for you on Council and to make sure your voices are heard.

  • Award winning business owner
  • Great communicator/public speaker
  • Had businesses with 10 – 100 employees
  • Fiscally minded
  • Logical and visionary
  • Raised family in White Rock/South Surrey for 20 years
  • Would treat being a council member as a FULL time position and not part time
  • Award winning business owner
  • Not afraid to ask tough questions and find the answers
  • Great communicator/public speaker
  • Ran a multi-million dollar company successfully
  • Excellent problem solver
  • Logical and visionary
  • Passionate about making White Rock a desirable place to live, play and work
  • Vice President, Semiahmoo Arts Society (2024)
  • Featured in the book, Pursuit 365: The Business Edition, sold on Amazon (2024)
  • Co-Chair – Public Arts and Culture Advisory Alliance (2023 – 2024)
  • “Rookie of the Year” – In Recognition of Outstanding Dedication and Service to The Rotary Club of White Rock (2022 – 2023)
  • Certificate of Appreciation for PACA – South Surrey/White Rock Chamber of Commerce (2023)
  • Elected – White Rock City Councillor (2022 – 2026)
  • Producer of the Annual White Rock Pride Family Day (2024 – 2022)
  • Judge for South Surrey & White Rock Chamber Business Excellence Awards (2022 – 2023)
  • One of the organizers and MC for Peace Walk for Ukraine (2022)
  • Co-Founder/Organizer – Peninsula Arts and Culture Alliance (2017 – 2022)
  • Producer, 1st Annual White Rock Pride Family Day, sponsored by White Rock Pride Society (2022)
  • Producer, Winter Variety Arts Show, sponsored by South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce (2022)
  • Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, City of White Rock, Chair (2019 – 2022)
  • Board Member, White Rock Improvement Business Association (2019 – 2022)
  • Judge for White Rock Youth Ambassadors (2021)
  • Semi-Finalist – Business Leader of the Year, Self-Owned – SS/WR Chamber of Commerce (2021)
  •  50 Women of Options Fundraiser for Options BC (2021)
  •  Director at Large, White Rock Soroptimists (2021 – present)
  •  Member, South Surrey White Rock Chamber of Commerce (2019 – present)
  •  Business Owner of the Year – Self Owned Finalist, SSWR Chamber of Commerce (2020)
  •  Sub-Committee member, Busker and Comedy Festival, City of White Rock (2019)
  •  Board Member – Economic Development Advisory Committee, City of White Rock (2021 -2022)
  •  Business Award – Best Supporter of the Arts, SSWR Chamber of Commerce (2019)
  •  Best of the Peninsula – Performing Arts Centre in WR – Reader’s Choice Awards – Winner Peace Arch News (2019, 2020)
  •  Co-Organizer, Peninsula Arts and Culture Alliance (2017 – present)
  •  Sub-Committee member, Filming in White Rock, City of White Rock (2020)
  •  Sub-Committee member, Culture Days in White Rock, City of White Rock (2019)
  •  Host, Re-Opening the Pier (2019)
  •  Host, Canada Day by the Bay, City of White Rock (2019, 2020, 2021)
  •  Host, Sea Festival, City of White Rock (2019)
  •  Chair – Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, City of White Rock (2019 – 2021)
  •  Co-Host, TEDx, White Rock (2018)
  •  Board Member – Peninsula Productions (2017-2019)
  •  Ocean Park Business Award, OPBA (2013)
  •  Organized meetings for the Ocean Park Business Association (2011-2014)
  •  Volunteer drama teacher at local elementary schools
  • Emcee for Peace Arch Hospice Society’s 21st Annual Hike for Hospice (2024)
  • Opener for the In Her Shoes Fundraiser for Sources Community Resources Centres to raise funds for Women’s Place (2024)
  • White Rock Farmers Market Board President (2024 – present)
  • Semiahmoo Arts Society Executive Board Member (2024 – present)
  • Winner of Business of the Year in the Category of Supporter of the Arts (2023)
  • Guest Speaker for International Women’s Day Hosted by RBC Wealth Management Group (2023)
  • Lower Mainland LGA Board Member (2023 – 2024)
  • Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation Board Member (2023-present)
  • Housing Advisory Committee Chair & Co-Chair (2023 – present)
  • Peninsula Community Foundation Board Member (2023)
  • Producer of the  White Rock Pride Family Day (2022 – present)
  • One of the organizers and Emcee for Peace Walk for Ukraine (2022)
  • Speaker at the International Women’s Day Luncheon, sponsored by the South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce (2022)
  • Producer, Winter Variety Arts Show, sponsored by South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce (2022)
  • Judge for South Surrey & White Rock Chamber Business Excellence Awards (2021)
  • Women of Options Fundraising Member (2021)
  • White Rock Arts Festival Working Group Member (2021)
  • Business Owner of the Year – Self Owned Finalist, SSWR Chamber of Commerce (2020)
  • White Rock Filming Working Group Member (2020)
  • Business of the Year – Supporter of the Arts winner (2019 & 2022)
  • White Rock Arts & Culture Advisory Committee Member (2019 – 2022)
  • Member, South Surrey White Rock Chamber of Commerce (2019 – 2024)
  • Co-Organizer PACA (2018 –  2022; 2024 – present)
  • White Rock Buskers & Comedy Festival Working Group (2019)
  • Surrey District #36 District PAC Board Member (2017 – 2019; 2020 – 2021)
  • Launching Pad Addiction Rehabilitation Society, Board Chair (2017 – 2020)
  • Peace Arch Hospice Volunteer (2015 – present)

We are passionate about forging new ideas and moving White Rock towards the future while celebrating and preserving White Rock’s unique treasured history, creating a city where our residents can live, work, and play in our community and thrive together.

We have been asked why we want to run for the White Rock Council…

MICHELE: It’s time. My family and I have lived in South Surrey and White Rock for twenty years. I love White Rock and feel lucky to live here. We raised our children here and I have had and continue to run businesses here. It’s a jewel by the sea. I have volunteered for a variety of events, organizations, and city run meetings in my community. 

I have a vast skill set as I’ve run various businesses, taught for 25 years, specialize in creative marketing and communication and use basic common sense which I’m sure can assist in White Rock’s current growing pains. My approach is not a negative one, but a positive innovative one. I look at all aspects of a situation to determine a sensible and logical outcome. 

ELAINE: I have lived in White Rock for 15 years, and I run my business here. My experience as a full-time resident, business owner and avid volunteer for our community has given me a good understanding of the issues our city faces today.

I want to create a White Rock that is vibrant and beautiful for our residents to enjoy and a place where businesses can thrive.

I am committed to listening to what our community wants, studying the facts and making decisions that will ultimately be positive for our community.

Michele and Elaine would love to hear from you. Simply fill in the form below to reach us and we will get back to you soon! Or email us directly to either or

Meet Michele

Michele Partridge is an award-winning local business owner, acting instructor, public speaking and media coach, a well-known leader in numerous community groups, and a popular producer and host of much-loved local events such as Canada Day by the Bay, the Re-opening of the Pier, the Peace Walk for Ukraine, and White Rock’s first Annual Family Pride Day.

Since moving to the White Rock/South Surrey area with her husband and two children 20 years ago, Michele has devoted herself to her community. She built a successful performing arts business (The Drama Class) that has been recognized by both the SSWR Chamber of Commerce and the Peace’s Arch News Reader’s Choice Awards as the best business in its field.

In 2017, she channeled her love of White Rock and the arts beyond her own business and co-founded the Peninsula Arts and Culture Alliance, an organization that supports local artists and promotes arts and culture-related businesses and tourism.
In addition to her successful track record in business, Michele has an exceptional record of community service. She serves on multiple boards and advisory committees and has brought her considerable energy and talent to organizations supporting residents of all ages. Michele has served on groups and associations including the White Rock Business Improvement Association, Soroptimists International of White Rock, the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, and the Economic Development Advisory Committee for the City of White Rock.

For decades, Michele has coached public speaking to a vast clientele with varying backgrounds. Her clients include media personalities, Ted talk speakers, business professionals, and political leaders, to name just a few.

Michele was recently elected as a first-term Councillor for the City of White Rock, having been elected to office in October 2022.

Meet Elaine

In 2005, Elaine chose White Rock as her home and promptly immersed herself in the community. Evolving from her roles as a board member of the Peninsula Community Foundation and the Launching Pad, she currently serves as a board member of the Lower Mainland Local Government Association. This association advocates for 30 local governments from Pemberton to Hope and three regional districts, underlining Elaine’s commitment to representing the community’s interests on a broader scale.

Her engagement in local organizations expanded to include a board membership at the Divine Love Foundation Sanctuary. Elaine’s dedication to community service manifested through volunteer work with organizations like the Peace Arch Hospice. She actively supported various grief support initiatives and volunteered as a freelance photographer for community celebrations such as the Peace Arch Auxiliary Volunteer luncheons and the Peace Arch Hospice volunteer recognition awards.

Elaine’s prowess in event production took center stage as she successfully organized local events, including the Annual White Rock Pride Family Day, the Peace Walk for Ukraine, and the Chamber of Commerce’s Winter Variety Arts Show.

In her professional journey, Elaine has been characterized by a results-oriented approach. Early in her career, she played a pivotal role in rescuing a multi-million-dollar business on the verge of failure, showcasing her diagnostic skills and effective problem-solving. Today, she is a co-owner of Hilarapy, a groundbreaking White Rock-based business spreading joy through shared laughter.

Within the realm of community involvement, Elaine actively participates in both business and arts-focused organizations. This includes involvement with the Chamber of Commerce, the City’s Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, chair of the White Rock Housing Advisory Committee, and co-organizer of the Peninsula Arts and Culture Alliance. Notably, she was one of the 50 Women of Options fundraising drive, further highlighting her commitment to making a positive impact in the community.

In 2022, Elaine achieved a significant milestone by running for the White Rock municipal elections for the first time and securing a victory. She now proudly serves as a White Rock City Councillor, bringing her award-winning combination of business and arts skills, along with an unwavering dedication to community service, to the forefront. Together with the community, she eagerly anticipates contributing to the ongoing success and vibrancy of White Rock.